North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Announces Delay in Launch of Tailored Plans
We want to make sure that you have the most updated information regarding Medicaid Transformation. On September 29th North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) announced changes regarding the launch date of the Tailored Plan.
The official launch date for all Tailored Plans is now April 1, 2023.
Local Management Entities/Managed Care Organizations (LME/MCOs) asked NC DHHS to delay the launch to allow LME/MCOs more time to contract with doctors and physical health providers to properly support Tailored Plan members and ensure that data systems are working correctly.
While the launch of the Tailored Plans will be delayed, some services will still launch on December 1st, 2022.
Tailored Care Management will be available beginning December 1st, 2022. You can choose your care management agency (CMA) during the choice period (August 15th- October 14th). This service will help coordinate all your services to make sure they are working best together for your benefit. This includes your community-based supports, medical and pharmacy services, and any mental health services you may also need. Care management can also help connect you to other community resources you may need, help prepare you for meetings, and advocate for your needs.
NC DHHS will implement the 1915(i) option to create new services to replace the current b3 funded services. These services include Respite, Individual and Transitional Supports, Community Living and Supports, Community Transition and Supported Employment. Those currently receiving B-3 services will now receive supports under the i-waiver.
Community Navigation services will be extended through March 30th, 2023 or until a person begins receiving care management.
If you have already made your primary care provider (PCP) selection during the choice period, that choice will be saved and will be available on April 1, 2023.
As more information is released, The Arc of North Carolina will continue to work with state leaders to better understand program changes. Once we have the latest updates, we will post information on our website, Facebook, and Twitter.