Transition Update

We want to express our deepest gratitude for your dedication and tireless efforts to uphold the mission of The Arc of North Carolina, whether you work for us, you are affiliated with one of our local chapters, you support us financially, or you’re a caregiver or family member who cares about the work we do. All of you matter to us and our work.
Over seventy years ago, The Arc of NC was sparked by a determined grassroots movement. Families rallied together to demand essentials for people with IDD who had no access to public education, housing, daycare, and vocational programs. The work we do today is a direct continuation of that original passionate endeavor.
We know you are awaiting an update from us as to the search process, and here’s where we are.
The Board of Directors has established a Transition Committee to guide the search for a new Executive Director and support that person’s transition into the role. The Board members who will be a part of that committee are:
Gale Kirk, Chairperson
Sherisse Marion
Carol Conway
Allen Fullwood
Judy Lewis
Teresa McKeon
Don Thompson
Jen Scialdone
We are also partnering with Armstrong McGuire, a respected consulting and recruitment firm known for their expertise with nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. They will support the Transition Committee and facilitate the process on behalf of the board. Click here to see an overview of our process.
The aim is to orchestrate a thorough and inclusive process that begins by listening to understand where The Arc of NC stands today and envisioning where we aspire to go. Your insights are crucial, as they will guide us in comprehending the specific qualities and capabilities we require in our next leader. We rely on your feedback to accurately assess our needs and shape our future direction. You will have an opportunity to voice this feedback, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, we are all so grateful to have Lisa Poteat serving as our Interim Executive Director and her willingness to step up last fall to ensure continuity for The Arc of NC.
As we continue this period of transition, your input and engagement are more important than ever. We are committed to finding a leader who not only aligns with our values but also amplifies our impact. The Arc of NC remains devoted to our mission- securing for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunity to choose and realize their goals of where and how they learn, live, work, and play.
Thank you once again for your continued passion and commitment. We will continue to keep you updated.
Warm regards,
Gale and Sherisse
Gale Kirk, Transition Committee Chair
Sherisse Marion, Board President